Chris McIntyre’s intensive one-on-one coaching programs guarantee a 15-30% increase in efficiency. No excuses. No double talk. Just results!

Chris McIntyre’s intensive one-on-one coaching programs guarantee a 15-30% increase in efficiency. No excuses. No double talk. Just results!
- Transform your email inbox from thousands to ZERO
- Prioritize real to-do’s versus vague and confusing triggers
- Leverage tools you use everyday based on the way “you” think
- Say NO and actually feel good about it
- Reenergize your drive and achieve better results with less effort
Program includes:
- One or two-full days of in-person coaching (based on your needs)
- Follow-up coaching sessions to ensure your new habits “stick”
- One-year free membership to Chris’s “Culture of Accountability”
- Leadership Forum
- Customized process to help you integrate all of the other systems you currently use
Chris has helped hundreds of the world’s most productive leaders achieve better results, with less energy every day. He can do the same for you.
That said, seriously, can you really afford NOT to call?
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EQ Appraisal 360 Refined
The 360° Refined is fast, clear, and complete. In just 15 minutes, participants deliver feedback through 75 clickable questions and 4 open-ended questions. You control the administration and watch the responses come in. Once responses are in, you open the report with a click of your mouse. Results are delivered in an easy-to-understand report that highlights strengths, areas for improvement, and differences in viewpoints between self and others. The results report includes e-learning and a complete online Goal-Tracking System to support lasting change.
- 22-Leadership Skills: Measures critical leadership skills, including emotional intelligence.
- Feedback from Others: Extended bar charts, item by item breakdowns by customizable groups and gap scores.
- Dynamic Online Report: Anonymous and constructive feedback is easy to understand and print.
- Goal-Tracking System: Share your profile and track your progress online.
- Blockbuster Actors: Watch clips of your favorite actors bring emotional intelligence to life!
Why it Works: The TalentSmart 360° process increases self-awareness to drive leadership skill development. Our assessment designers spent years researching the 22 skills that separate good leaders from the great ones. 360° Refined is a reliable and valid measure of the leadership skills that are critical to performance and it contains a large normative database that stands behind the scores.
Download Sample MR Report
Corporate executives are vital to the success of any organization. They are the extension of the business owners and they take on crucial leadership roles in the companies. As executives, you set the bar high as people follow your lead and take note of your competency.
Can you honestly say that your current performance in the area of work efficiency and relationship management is a good blueprint for your team to follow?
This is where personal productivity, emotional intelligence, and accountability come into play. Chris McIntyre has seen executives struggle in these areas and he has developed an array of seminars and tools that could help you overcome and rise above these challenges. He knows that when you’re able to succeed on a personal level you can easily duplicate that to other areas of your life.
- Manage your agreements and get more worry-free sleep at night
- Initiate, run, and quickly get out of effective meetings (even if you’re not in charge)
- Create team clarity around shared agreements, processes, and functions
Align the entire team’s goals and objectives with the most valuable business assets - Motivate the team by showing them how the things they do impacts the bigger picture
- Co-create a shared accountability process and team language that everyone can adopt

Chris is the author of The Roadmap to Freedom: A Small-Business Owner’s Guide to Connecting People to a Core Message.
The Roadmap gives the business owner community access to the thinking, tools, and systems their corporate CEO counterparts enjoy regularly!
Learn more about the book!