Reach the peak of your career as a corporate executive that has its own set of demands and responsibilities. Create simple and pragmatic solutions that will help you coach your managers to be high performers and learn how to motivate and coach each other!
Maximizing productivity is all about improving your results while decreasing the cost you’ve been paying for those results. Most professionals get tangled up in the “busy-ness” trap – chasing the tyranny of the urgent, instead of doing the “real work” most aligned with organizational goals.
Are you one of the many executives often overwhelmed by the daily grind?
Does the “real work” often get handled after hours?
Have you created an addiction to checking your email inbox?
Wish you had less team and more team accountability?
If you answered a resounding YES to any of these questions, then it’s time to decrease the cost you’ve been paying for your results. It’s time to do more of what matters most, with less effort!
Productivity Seminars
Chris McIntyre offers two world-class productivity seminars, each offering a very focused measurable goal for each attendee. The seminars build on each other and offer the ultimate one-two productivity punch your team needs. Seminars can be offered in half or full days and can be tailored to address specific productivity challenges.

1-Day Seminar: 10% - 20% Increase in Personal Efficiency
Does your email inbox overwhelm you?
Does your to-do list, wherever it is, stress you out?
You ever wake up in the middle of the night, in a panic, because (yet...) another
really important issue completely slipped your mind?
If so — you’re not alone!
The speed of “work” has changed! Yet most highly-capable professionals still use, now horribly inefficient, personal systems that served them a world ago.
What got you where you are - will no longer get you where you want to be... fast enough!
Chris's Efficiency Game Changer provides the new operating system you need.
- Keep your head empty & more focused at all times
- Clarify & prioritize your work even in a land of rushed ambiguity
- Get and keep your email inbox at zero (and yes, it IS possible...)
- Organize your digital world including your desktop
- Leverage technology to keep your system mobile (even if it’s paper)
2-Day Seminar: Spend 10% More Time On Your Priorities!
What’s good about being more efficient IF you’re not making better, more strategic, choices on how to use all your new found bandwidth? Just doing the ‘next thing’ is a fabulous way to fast-track more distractions. It’s time to re-wire your approach to prioritizing.
Let’s face it — thanks to endless meetings, constantly competing priorities, & non-stop (human & virtual) distractions, there’s a million ‘wrong’ ways to spend your day!
There’s a big difference between being ‘efficient’ and ‘productive’ —and Chris’s Productivity Game Changer will give you a tailorable blueprint for more of both
- Align daily todo’s with larger personal & professional priorities
- Know exactly what to say “NO” to and actually feel good about it
- Get in & out of meetings more efficiently (even when you’re not in charge)
- Clarify & improve natural routines to get the “right” things done
- Crush all of your distractions and productivity derailers
Minimizing Digital Overwhelm
Does your email inbox overwhelm you? Have you ever woken up in a panic, in the middle of the night, because another really important issue completely slipped your mind? If so, you’re not alone!
Most highly productive people ignore the OVERWHELMING COST they’ve been paying for their productivity.
These three 45 to 60-minute webinars will give you A TURN-BY-TURN ROADMAP FOR MINIMIZING YOUR DIGITAL OVERWHELM BY 10-25% OR MORE.

Webinar Includes:
- Three 60-minute webinars
- Can be watched anytime, anywhere, and on any device
- Productivity tools for you and your team
- Q and A with Chris McIntyre (Live attendees only)
Download Flyer
Part I:
Tame the Email Monster!
- Get and keep your email inbox at zero (and yes, it IS possible!)
- Find emails instantly with a simple yet flexible filing structure
- Decrease email addiction and increase accountability
- Spend less time trapped behind email to get the “real work” done
- Discover the true cost of “flagging and marking as unread”
BONUS: Whitepaper and tips for Outlook, Gmail, and Lotus
Part 2:
Keep “All” of your Agreements!
Keep a “real” to-do list that motivates (versus overwhelms) you
Keep strategy in mind even as you do the tactical work
Prioritize competing demands in a dynamic workplace
Know what to say “NO” to and how to feel good about it
BONUS: “Knowledge Worker” guides for ToodleDo and Omni-Focus
Part 3:
Never Losing Another Thing Again!
- Find anything on your computer faster than you can finish typing it
- Setup critical pre-made quick searches and favorite folders
- Tailor your own project structure so stuff stays where it should
- Create templates for recurring emails and consistent deliverables
- Keep 100% of your commitments at your fingertips
BONUS: MAC and PC “Crazy Fast” shortcut guides
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is the Other Kind of Smart
Social competence: Made up of your social awareness and relationship management skills; social competence is your ability to understand other people’s moods, behavior, and motives in order to improve the quality of your relationships.
- Social-Awareness: Awareness of the emotions of other people including unspoken cues and the mood in the room gives you the information you need to…
- Relationship Management is your ability to use awareness of your emotions and the others’ emotions to manage interactions successfully.

Discovering Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Matters
Whether you are aware of them or not, emotions are intertwined in everything you think, do, and say each day on the job, in your career and throughout your life. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is how you handle yourself and others on the job. Your EQ consists of four core skills.
Self-Awareness – Awareness of your own emotions and tendencies and understanding your strengths and personal style opens doors for you to…
Self-Management – Manage your reactions effectively by making better decisions and responding to challenges and opportunities productively.
Social Awareness – Awareness of the emotions of other people including unspoken cues and the mood in the room gives you the information you need to…
Relationship Management – Manage relationships by building, strengthening, and deepening your connections with the people in your social network.
People who develop their EQ communicate effectively, handle stress well, make good decisions, handle conflict productively, are better team players, respond flexibly to change, influence others more, and provide top-notch performance. This program has one purpose…TO INCREASE YOUR EQ.
- Get comprehensive EQ scores, analysis, and recommended strategies based on your profile.
- Discover what EQ is and why it matters at work.
- Explore the four EQ skills in action: Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management.
- Analyze movie and TV clips, and discuss how to bring EQ to life in the real world.
- Take a free scheduled re-test and get a full change-score report to track progress.
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Train your EQ brain
You know emotional intelligence matters, and you have begun to practice. Now you need to learn how to tackle the barriers to self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and managing relationships.
Self-Awareness – Achieve a deeper awareness of your emotions by leaning into the discomfort of those that get in your way. How well do you understand yourself under stress?
Self-Management- Knowing you should self-manage is easier than doing it well. Take control of the key driver of words and actions you later regret — your self-talk.
Social Awareness – Mastering the art of social awareness comes from analyzing what the people and situations in your work life that matter most have to offer you.
Relationship Management – When conflict ensues, the emotions that emerge before, during and after the conflict are what people fear most. Turns out, a whole host of EQ strategies can help you.
Anyone who gives ongoing attention to practicing their EQ skills will increase their self-knowledge and ability to handle stress, communicate effectively, make good decisions, manage conflict, be a team player, respond flexibly to change, influence others, and provide top-notch performance. This program has one purpose…TO INCREASE YOUR EQ.
- Use your EQ results to deeply analyze the four core EQ skills to take your EQ development even further.
- Explore your reactions to a range of emotions and lean into your discomfort for deeper self-knowledge and improved stress management.
- Use EQ videos to guide real-world discussions around each core EQ skill.
- Analyze and reframe your negative self-talk patterns.
- Practice observing EQ at your organization and get EQ feedback from those you work with.
Inspiring a Culture of Accountability
The Roadmap Seminar Series helps business owners facilitate a smooth transition from chief doer and knowledge holder to Chief Executive Overseer of an empowered Culture of Team Accountability.

Accountability isn’t something that can be demanded. True accountability must be inspired.
Unfortunately, most SBOs are usually far less equipped to effectively lead, let alone develop their team. Often they struggle to align people with their brand, handle performance management issues, and effectively manage the boss/buddy relationships required in such a tight environment. They can never find the time to create effective people systems let alone make sense of the abyss of ever-changing roles and responsibilities.
Enter Chris’s Roadmap to Freedom Seminar Series:
- Accountability Series I: Inspire Fierce but Aligned Team Buy-In.
- Accountability Series II: Develop a Team of Superstars.
- Accountability Series III: Master the 30, 60, and 90-Day Accountability Conversation.
Accountability Series I:
Inspiring Fierce, but Aligned,
This is Chris’s signature accountability seminar built around his time-tested Roadmap to Freedom principles. The accountability seminar series events are meant to stand alone and they also build on each other. They don’t need to be delivered in order and they can be half or multi-day events!
Getting genuine buy-in on your vision is an excellent foundational seminar for leaders who have outgrown their current, informal, and often blurry infrastructure. This seminar is all about laying an accountable foundation for a “system” that communicates so “you” (the business owner) can be less necessary and work “on” the business more – instead of working “in” the business.
- Clearly align goals and objectives with the most valuable assets for your business
- Connect your team to a core “mantra” that promotes and protects “your” brand
- Give and receive laser-focused feedback aimed at the most important results
- Install a performance conversation system that guarantees ownership
- Empower a culture of genuine support and buy-in
- Bonus: 60 free, soft-copy accountability tools that you can use, change, and implement immediately in your business
Accountability Series II:
Creating the Right Team
If “you” disappeared for six months, would your business be able to thrive without you ? If you’re like many business owners out there your answer rhymes with: OH!
Part II of the Accountability Series– Creating the Right Team, will show you how to move past a desperation hire and create a “system” that gets and keeps top talent engaged, and on your team!
- Use LinkedIn to turbocharge your talent hunt and make superstars actually chase you
- Customize a 6-step hiring process to find the “right” kind of superstar
- Leverage the 2-degree rule to do an offline talent search
- Leverage the 4-questions guaranteed to inspire a more empowered and bought-in team
- Drop your “nightmare” employees like hot-rocks and actually feel good about it
- Bonus: Free follow-up Inspiring Accountability Webinar
Accountability Series III:
Having the Right Conversations
Create the Right Message. Craft a Superstar Team. The last piece of the people puzzle couldn’t be easier: Communicate…consistently.
Part III: Having the Right Conversations is a must for learning to develop systems that push maximum responsibility DOWN the chain so you can be free to focus where you should, when you should. Even the best teams need adjustments and the final piece of the accountability puzzle will show you exactly how and when to do it.
Think about it…having an empowered cast of superstars, bought into your vision, giving and receiving consistent feedback focused squarely on the most important business goals. Truly…this is the “Roadmap to Freedom.”
- Have 30, 60, and 90-day conversations that guarantee your team owns your vision
- Get your team to actually “want” to be held accountable
- Have difficult conversations and still make your team feel empowered
- Actually find the “time” to have the meaningful conversations you need to—when you need to
- Tailor a timeline to rollout a conversation “system” that empowers all team members to protect what’s important for the success of the business
- Bonus: Customized Microsoft OneNote accountability notebook
Be part of this webinar series as Chris shares proven techniques, effective systems, and downloadable tools that will help leaders achieve optimal performance at every level.